Free delivery to Jamaica Plain ($50+), Roxbury, Brookline, Roslindale & West Roxbury ($100+)

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Holiday Case

Product price



It's that time of the year again! We've assembled a beautiful array of wines that captured our hearts this year. We hope they bring warmth and joy to your family's celebrations this holiday season. Best of all, the package is priced at over 15% off the individual bottle prices!

Brick & Mortar "VP" Rosé

Valfaccenda Roero Arneis

Stirm "Calcite"

Tement Sauvignon

Guerila Rebula Vipava Valley

Criolin Barbera

Foillard Beaujolais

Liska Wine Company Gamay Noir Willamette Valley

Fatalone Primitivo Gioia del Colle

Finca El Molar "Camino del Molar"

Kara Tara Pinot Noir

Tiberio Pecorino

While supplies last, subject to change.

Product Details

Size750 ML
  • 2023 Landmass "Multitudes"

    2023 Landmass "Multitudes"

    Big notes of pear, apple blossom, vanilla and loquat on the nose and palate are paired with bright acidity.


  • St. Bernardus Prior 8 750ml

    St. Bernardus Prior 8 750ml

    St.Bernardus Prior 8 is a traditional abbey beer, brewed in the classic dubbel style. The original recipe dates back to the times when we still brewed under licence (1946-1992). Named ‘World’s Best Dark Belgian Style Dubbel’ on the World Beer Awards, in other words, the best Dubbel beer in the world.

    St.Bernardus Prior 8 stands out with its fruity aroma, reminiscent of tree fruits like red apples, but complemented by exotic touches of figs and dates. The whole is rounded off perfectly by impressions of caramel and roast malt. The full taste is malty and fruity in equal measure and achieves the perfect balance between bitter and sweet.

    This is an easy beer to dine with. It’s strong character easily pairs with tasty, rich dishes, such as stews and meat dishes with creamy sauces. Despite its strength this Prior 8 also serves very well as an aperitif.


  • St. Bernardus Christmas Ale 750ml

    St. Bernardus Christmas Ale 750ml

    St.Bernardus Christmas Ale is a dark, seasonal beer, full of wintery character and flavours that we brew every year ready for the festive season. 

    St.Bernardus Christmas Ale is an intensely dark beer with a full, yet slightly fruity flavour, overflowing with the tastes of winter and zesty seasonal aromas. Aniseed notes are complemented by hints of creamy caramel and fire-roasted chestnuts. This zestiness shows no signs of abating, pushing through to a magnificent finish of dried fruits and chocolate. Just like all of our beers, this brew bears the imprint of the unique St.Bernardus yeast (dating back to 1946), that gives it its own special complexity. Simply stated, St.Bernardus Christmas Ale is the perfect degustation beer to warm your heart and bring a glow to your loved ones on a cold winter night.

    Christmas and chocolate is a tried and trusted combination, and the Christmas Ale forms a perfect match with a wide variety of desserts, but especially those made with chocolate. Also, when game is in season, make sure you serve a Christmas Ale. A less obvious pairing that is perfect in its own special way can be made with Scandinavian dishes, rich with wintery spices.


  • 2022 Jean Manciat Macon-Charnay Franclieu

    2022 Jean Manciat Macon-Charnay Franclieu

    From Manciat's oldest vines, at 30-35 years old, on a gentle, stony slope of clay-limestone soils. These are some of Jean's favorite vines. 

